There are certain persons in the world whom you look forward to meeting just for the sheer enthusiasm the person carries. Muthukumar Kanakasalam (E-Mail: is one such guy from Tamil Nadu, India. He restores cars and bikes to such an extent that it will be difiicult to say whether the vehicle has actually been out of the factory. And to top that, he gets a lot of very rare bikes to restore like the featured JAMES or BSA BOND. This
JAMES ML is a 2 stroke 125cc bike probably of 1947-48 although Muthu says it's around 1938. Anyway, posting a pic before restoration and some after that. I have a hell lot of photos of restored bikes by Mr. Muthu and would definitely make a post or rather lots of post on his restored vehicles including a very rare 3 wheeler. Just wanted to introduce him to you and you can mail him at the given email. He is very down to earth, very humble and is always eager to help.
Another link to a restored
James by Mitchell Classics, this one is for sale for $5995.

I recieved a mail with these photos and absolutely no text at all. just the attachments. it came from a gentleman from Brazil, that i got to know from the email All the images came under the name of Navio Motors. A frantic search on the google for Navio motors ended up in a possible link which was directed at Flickr, but the link had no motorcycle images. also was kind of a dead end.
Anyway, hoping the guy would send some more details on the restoration of the NORTON 650SS. All the Best! I have been a part of a Norton restoration project and must say, if you are not in U.K, its one hell of a job. We will be definitely waiting for more photos and the end product. Good Luck!

Okay, I got another mail from the guy who actually wants to buy this ongoing restored bike but he is not sure if it is the NORTON 650SS. The frame definitely is from the 650SS. The engine... to what I feel can also belong to a Commander as the Commander crank-piston-air vents are slightly inclined than the more straight 650SS. But then I could be wrong. Anyone with any more insight? Email or