This is really a shocking and sad news that BUELL Motorcycles production will be stopped permanently. The BUELL website index page has a video (attached here) of Eric Buell announcing the same. What is rather surprising is that a few months back, BUELL has scrapped the Blast and Eric said it wants to focus on 'Real Sports' motorcycle and that was a reason of scrapping the Blast. Now it is not only that HD will stop all BUELL motorcycle production, it will also sell off MV AGUSTA who they bought last year. There has been a financial loss for BUELL with failing sales over the last couple of months, but it has not been Buell alone, even HD has incurred worldwide loss. I beleive no one has imagined that HD would do this. Eric Buell, in the video stats that he would be working for HD.
Here is the extract of the video.
"I will always be proud of what we have accomplished. It is a testimony to what a small group of passionate and inspired people can do, and with brilliant innovations, we’ve produced some of the best-handling bikes of all time. I personally look forward to exploring how I can continue to work with Harley-Davidson to bring advanced product technology to riders.
I have also had the great fortune to meet and get to know many Buell riders over the years, and they are an amazing and interesting group of free thinkers. May you ride with pride into the future. And may your roads ahead be as adventuresome and rewarding as mine have been for the last 26 years."
For the record, Buell started out its first production in 1983. For the time being, HD will offer services to Beull motorcycle owners and there are still quite a few Buell available in the market. Final production will stop from October 30th. Take a look at the beautiful bikes once more. Click on the bikes to take you to the parent Buell website. They have also created a Q & A page for Buell customers.
Here is the extract of the video.
"I will always be proud of what we have accomplished. It is a testimony to what a small group of passionate and inspired people can do, and with brilliant innovations, we’ve produced some of the best-handling bikes of all time. I personally look forward to exploring how I can continue to work with Harley-Davidson to bring advanced product technology to riders.
I have also had the great fortune to meet and get to know many Buell riders over the years, and they are an amazing and interesting group of free thinkers. May you ride with pride into the future. And may your roads ahead be as adventuresome and rewarding as mine have been for the last 26 years."
For the record, Buell started out its first production in 1983. For the time being, HD will offer services to Beull motorcycle owners and there are still quite a few Buell available in the market. Final production will stop from October 30th. Take a look at the beautiful bikes once more. Click on the bikes to take you to the parent Buell website. They have also created a Q & A page for Buell customers.

Sport Range - BUELL 1125R FIREBOLT XB12R Adventure Range - ULYSSES XB12X ULYSSES XB12XT

Sport Range - BUELL 1125R FIREBOLT XB12R Adventure Range - ULYSSES XB12X ULYSSES XB12XT