"Jay Leno asked to let you know that he has owned most of his motorcycles for a very long time, in fact a lot of them for decades. Your article might create the impression that Jay is purchasing these bikes recently and adding a lot more frequently than what is reality.
Thank you for your consideration".
I just came across your blog and the very kind words you had to say about my motorcycles, so I thought I would drop you a quick word to say thank you. I'm glad that you dig what we're doing, it's very rewarding to know that people are enjoying Atom Bomb's Motorcycles.
Just so you know, I actually work by myself most of the time, Chris Mizak only does the paint work (and lends moral support!). He has a regular job and does Atom Bomb paint at nights and weekends. That's why you will only see two or three bikes a year from us!
Thanks again, and very kind regards,
Clay Rathburn
Atom Bomb Custom Motorcycles
5039 Bradshaw Rd. Salem VA 24153
Hello Diesel,
I was looking through the web trying to get the right colours to paint my Indiana, when I came across a photo of 2 of the black Indiana bikes on your web-page. I did have 3 Indiana. As you can see in 1 of the photos I have sent, Dave Hailwood is sitting on 1 of those Indiana after it had been repainted red. I told Dave Hailwood to tell Mr. Ducati there should never have been any black Indiana. Yes there were only 2318 built in total, (over the 3 year run) 800 of 350cc, 1014 of 650cc, + 504 of 750cc. I still have 1bike and 2 frames left so I am changing my Indiana into a red bobber type for the road and building an Indiana trike later when I get the funds. I like the old Indian bikes used on the “Wall of Death” stunt riding, so red + cream seem to be a good colour option for me. Enjoyed your site. I hope to get out on the Indy tomorrow for a spin if it doesn’t snow.
Take care, Tommy
Hi,Hope all's well in the Visual Gratification world. Loved the Roland Sands piece, I'm a big fan of his stuff.I wanted to ask you a question: I'm going to be on holiday soon, and I'll only have intermittent internet access and spare time during that period.Rather than put Bike EXIF on hold, I wondered if you would be interested in writing - say - 5 posts on sporting/retro/racebikes before Christmas? Given that we both have a very similar taste in bikes and your writing style is close to mine.Cheers,Chris